Synthetic Monitoring

Simulate visitor interaction with your site to monitor the end user experience.

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Simulate visitor interaction

Identify bottlenecks and speed up your website.

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Real User Monitoring

Enhance your site performance with data from actual site visitors

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Real user insights in real time

Know how your site or web app is performing with real user insights

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Infrastructure Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Instant visibility into servers, virtual hosts, and containerized environments

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Comprehensive set of turnkey infrastructure integrations

Including dozens of AWS and Azure services, container orchestrations like Docker and Kubernetes, and more 

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Application Performance Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Comprehensive, full-stack visibility, and troubleshooting

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Complete visibility into application issues

Pinpoint the root cause down to a poor-performing line of code

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Log Management and Analytics Powered by SolarWinds Loggly

Integrated, cost-effective, hosted, and scalable full-stack, multi-source log management

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Collect, search, and analyze log data

Quickly jump into the relevant logs to accelerate troubleshooting

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Introducing BeepManager – your brand new alerting system

Today, we’re thrilled to take Pingdom BeepManager out of beta, and bring you a new and better way to work with your incidents. Internet is a fragile thing and stuff will break, so having the right person getting the right alert in the right way is an important part in our commitment to make the web faster and more reliable.

Pingdom 2013 year in review

Pingdom 2013 - The Year in ReviewIt’s been an amazing year for Pingdom, and we’ve done so many cool things and had a blast while doing them. To celebrate 2013 we put together a fun website where we highlight interesting milestones, statistics and facts about our year.

Pingdom releases brand new Android app

app-ico-blogToday we have released a brand new Pingdom Android app. Like the iPhone app we released a short while ago, the Android app is completely reengineered from the ground up. With a new design and added functionality, the app puts more information about your website monitoring checks in your pocket. Whenever you receive an alert on your Android smartphone we want to help you get to what’s wrong as quickly as possible, then allow you to dig deeper.

The new app is available today from the Play Store. It’s of course free, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t download it right away.

Pingdom releases brand new iPhone app

app-ico-blogToday we’ve released a brand new Pingdom iPhone app. It’s completely reengineered from the ground up and puts outages in focus. Whenever you receive an alert on your iPhone we want to help you get to what’s wrong as quickly as possible, then allow you to dig deeper.

The new app is available today from the App Store. It’s of course free, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t download it right away.

The technology behind the website that 30% of Swedes visit every day

ab-1503 million unique visitors each day, that is how much traffic, the biggest website in Sweden, handles. Add to that the 15 TB of data the site pumps out daily and you get some idea of the scale of its operations. And keep in mind Sweden is a country with only 9.6 million people.

We at Pingdom visited Aftonbladet recently to find out how this cutting edge website is managed and monitored, and met with two of the guys that made this all happen: Christian Lizell, Systems Architect, and Tobias Järlund, Lead Developer. Here’s what we found out about how they and the rest of the team keep the site ticking.

How Shootitlive went from kick-ass demo to international breakthrough

shootitlive-150Shootitlive was born with a demo in a conference room at one of the biggest daily newspapers in Sweden. The demo was a hack hosted on one of the co-founder’s computers at home. A Shootitlive widget was inserted into a copy of the daily’s homepage. When photos started to appear on the fake homepage, merely seconds after the camera had captured the photo, the deal was in effect done.

That’s how Shootitlive got started and how it managed to sign up many of the biggest newspapers in Northern Europe as customers. On the bleeding edge of news photography and video, Shootitlive is now poised for further international expansion.

Pingdom is heading to Webbdagarna in Gothenburg

webbdagarna-150Today, the Pingdom team is heading to Webbdagarna (it means The Web Days in Swedish) in Gothenburg. It’s an ongoing series of two day conferences that take place in multiple cities around Sweden every year. This time the theme of Webbdagarna is “do it yourself.”

By the looks of it, there is a wide range of what must be very exciting sessions on offer. Both days there are also more specialized tracks, which attendees can choose from. Some of the topics covered during Webbdagarna include branding, digital disruption, ecommerce, web design, and web strategy.

But what’s your story? What is it that you’re looking forward to the most if you are also going to Webbdagarna? Let us know!

Wrapping up Monitorama day 1

day1-150The first day of Monitorama in Berlin has been a whirlwind of talks on all kinds of interesting topics. All the presenters did a great job and managed to convey all kinds of exciting ideas and impressions. Our mind are buzzing, something that will not go away for a long time. Add the informal discussions in the hallway track and you have a full day that came and went all too quickly. Here’s a short wrap up of the first day of Monitorama in Berlin.

Are you ready for Monitorama in Berlin? Pingdom is!

monitorama berlin pingdomLater this week the Monitorama EU conference in Berlin kicks off, and Pingdom will be there. This is a two-day open source monitoring conference and hackathon, with what looks to be many exciting sessions. We look forward to a wide range of topics including alerting, logging, visualizations, website monitoring, and much more.

We will of course be attending lots of sessions , but we also want to take this opportunity to spend time with as many of you as possible.

Recording and slides from Pingdom website monitoring webinar

pingdom 150 badgeLast week we held a webinar that covered three types of website monitoring: uptime monitoring, real user monitoring, and transaction monitoring. The response was excellent and we received so many great questions on a wide range of topics.

We know that some of you were not able to attend the webinar, or that you want a recording or slides for your records and here they are.

Talking the talk of web performance

states-105-iconWorking in the performance industry you’re surrounded by many technical terms. Of course, we need to have many terms and phrases to be able to communicate about specifics.

There’s no doubt that much of what we deal with on a daily basis can be very complex, so we need to be careful with how we label and describe things.

Invite to Pingdom webinar – What a Pingdom account can do for you

timerAre you curious about what a Pingdom account can do for you? Or do you want to further your knowledge of the importance of monitoring your websites and servers?

Then we have an exciting webinar for you. There is so much more to Pingdom than meets the eye and this is a golden opportunity to find out what and how.

Join us for a free webinar on September 4.

My first nine months as Project Manager DevOps at Pingdom

morgan pingdom devopsAll of us working at Pingdom are geeks at heart and passionate about making the web faster and more reliable. Even though we work in different positions with different sorts of tasks, we all work together as a team to accomplish our goals.

With this article, we want to give you insight into who we are, not just as a company but as a team and as individuals.  Hopefully this will be a recurring feature on our blog and we kick off with featuring Morgan Sundqvist, Project Manager DevOps, and his first nine months at Pingdom.

Should we have a separate Twitter account for customer service?

pingdom customer serviceWe take customer service very seriously at Pingdom. If you need to get in touch with us, for whatever reason, you can do so via phone, email, chat, and social media. We’ve even made it easy for you by collecting all service and support information in one place.

Twitter is one of the channels we use for support. In fact quite a number of messages to our Twitter account @pingdom are really support issues. Now we ask ourselves, and you, if we should set up a separate Twitter account just for support?

Displaying Pingdom website monitoring data on a Klipfolio dashboard

dashboardBy monitoring your websites and servers with Pingdom, you can be the first to know if something is not working. That way, you can fix whatever is wrong before anyone else notices.

Getting an alert via email, SMS, Twitter or mobile app if something does go wrong is of course very helpful. But displaying the status of your websites on a dashboard can sometimes be a great complement.

How we use Trello to produce our blog

Trello_logoAt any given time, we have several people within Pingdom working on blog posts for the Royal Pingdom blog. Add to the mix that everyone has busy schedules with other tasks, the work on the blog is a melting pot made for scheduling problems and conflicts.

What keeps us sane and on track is a clever online project management service you may have heard of called Trello. Here is a description of how we use it, perhaps it can help you out as well.

Hong Kong increases lead in Internet speed league, now up to 63.6 Mbps

broadband speed pingdomAs the first country ever to break through the 60 Mbps Internet speed barrier, Hong Kong has, according to the latest figures from Akamai, increased its lead over its closest rivals.

Now enjoying an average peak connection speed of 63.6 Mbps, people in Hong Kong should be saying to themselves, “wow, that’s fast.” Especially when you consider that the world average peak connection speed is 18.4 Mbps.

Introduction to Observability

These days, systems and applications evolve at a rapid pace. This makes analyzi [...]

Webpages Are Getting Larger Every Year, and Here’s Why it Matters

Last updated: February 29, 2024 Average size of a webpage matters because it [...]

A Beginner’s Guide to Using CDNs

Last updated: February 28, 2024 Websites have become larger and more complex [...]

The Five Most Common HTTP Errors According to Google

Last updated: February 28, 2024 Sometimes when you try to visit a web page, [...]

Page Load Time vs. Response Time – What Is the Difference?

Last updated: February 28, 2024 Page load time and response time are key met [...]

Monitor your website’s uptime and performance

With Pingdom's website monitoring you are always the first to know when your site is in trouble, and as a result you are making the Internet faster and more reliable. Nice, huh?

Start monitoring for free