At Pingdom we love the web and our quest is to make it faster and more reliable. This is something we want to share with others and yesterday this passion took us to the first Web Performance Meetup in Stockholm.
It was a great evening with presentations about the worst performing websites in Sweden, Real User Monitoring (RUM), and more. We already look forward to the next meetup, and here’s a quick roundup of what happened yesterday.
The meetup was organized by Peter Hedenskog and Per-Anders Rangsjö, both from Cybercom. We’d like to send a big thank you to them as well as to Cybercom for sponsoring the meetup.
First up at the meetup was Peter Hedenskog, who talked about how he has measured the performance of many big websites in Sweden according to the KIA-index.
Following Peter, Per-Anders Rangsjö talked about Real User Monitoring, including the history of the Navigation Timing API. He’s currently evaluating a range of RUM services, and he promised to report his findings at a future meetup.
Out of the 30+ people attending yesterday, many came from some of the biggest and best known websites in Sweden, including Aftonbladet, Blocket, Eniro, Tradera, Tre, and others. Quite a bit of time at the meetup was spent talking about the future of the group, and what the focus should be.
It’s always nice to mingle with like-minded people, and we certainly felt right at home at the Web Performance Meetup. In fact, we’re already looking forward to the next one and we hope to meet many of you again plus many more web performance geeks.