Comments on: 10 Computer Geek Jokes and Truisms Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Wed, 03 Apr 2019 08:00:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: theprogrammer Thu, 01 May 2014 15:18:10 +0000 themechanic  Whether you got on fine or not is irrelevant. The world got on fine without electricity before. It got on fine without a lot of stuff we developed over the past thousand years. It’s not about your personal convenience, it’s about the advancement of civilization. The world doesn’t revolve around making people happy, it’s a mix of our happiness and our progression. If we all did what you do and just went “we don’t need computers, or any advance in tech” then we’d just settle down in to a world that is in an endless cycle: People born, people get jobs, people die. How dull would that be? We create these things so that we may progress as a species and become more powerful and influential in the universe, lest we die out a boring, pointless existence.

Also: I hate it when people do this whole “COMPUTERS WOULDN’T WORK WITHOUT MECHANICS”. When did we ever say programmers contributed more than mechanics? Why are you even trying to create conflict there? No one ever said mechanics weren’t needed, I just don’t see the point in that argument. Mechanics are needed for the physical part and programmers are required for the logical part. It’s not about who’s better, you’re supposed to be on the same team here. Stop trying to create fights with your own side.

By: themechanic Thu, 16 Jan 2014 12:17:30 +0000 You may be smart,but who fixes the mechanical things that make your profession possible?If your car or bus or train or plane or boat breaks down,how do you get to work?Call a cab?They are all down for repair.Work from home?Powers out.The steam turbine that generates electricity is down for repair.THE MECHANIC assigned to fix it is looking in the hardcover PAPER manual for specifications to MACHINE the part on a steam powered lathe(look it up in a PAPER dictionary!)to fix the turbine to restore electricity.I could on on and on about how much I hate computers,I got through life just fine for over 40 years w/o a PC.I’m looking forward to any responses

By: iNet Mon, 12 Jul 2010 04:42:28 +0000 LOL… I would also like to share some of my favorites:

COFFEE.EXE Missing – Insert Cup and Press Any Key

Helpdesk: Sir if you see the blue screen, press any key to continue. Customer : hm.. just a min.. where’s that ‘any key’…

A typical yahoo chat room: “A has signed in, A has signed out, B has signed in, B has signed out, C has signed in, C has signed out..”

By: Gary Thu, 08 Jul 2010 01:29:35 +0000 I’ve heard the lottery joke before. I prefer to think of it as donating to furthering education, with a discrete possibility of living high on the hog forever.

By: Kevin Sun, 06 Jun 2010 01:38:19 +0000 “Lotteries are a tax on people who suck at math.” I like this joke. I am always wondering that why so many people are indulged in lotteries, based on the fact that the chance to win is so slim. I am a young painter from China, specializing in creating different kind of oil paintings. Look forward to making friends who love painting.

By: Denis Fri, 04 Jun 2010 07:08:04 +0000 Ha-ha-ha. Thanks guys. Realy funny . End realy for computer geeks.

By: Bryce Thu, 03 Jun 2010 23:44:51 +0000 No, I am not currently wearing the “10 types of people” shirt…

🙂 Great list of jokes.

By: RobIII Thu, 03 Jun 2010 00:50:00 +0000 Some jokes I use as random sig’s at forums, all computer related, including most in this post and that are guaranteed to make you laugh can be found here:

By: Christiane Tue, 01 Jun 2010 15:17:41 +0000 I actually never considered myself a computer geek. but these jokes are hilarious 😉 thanks!

By: jacobian Tue, 01 Jun 2010 15:00:58 +0000 really funny stuff there. 🙂
