Comments on: How Google Collects Data About You and the Internet Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Sat, 18 Jan 2020 22:49:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ghd Sat, 18 Jan 2020 22:49:20 +0000 In reply to James Foster.

Duck duck go dot com

By: Jewel Ahmed Thu, 28 Nov 2019 08:41:15 +0000 Thank you for sharing.

By: Sociale Mon, 18 Jan 2010 15:27:07 +0000 It’s time to wake up and stop publishing private data on the web.
This behaviour has to be populated so that noone will collect users private unwittingly.

By: Xris Sun, 17 Jan 2010 18:25:50 +0000 Really good and important article. It’s nice to see such a broad number of views and thoughtful responses. I’m heartened to see folks take this seriously.

My two cents: We should not be afraid of these technologies, but we MUST pay attention.

I’m a big Google user. And I watch these matters carefully. I realized many years ago that tracking and data mining are wide-spread, unstoppable, and potentially dangerous. I’m particularly worried about ending up on watch lists by accident with no knowledgeable human intervention.

Google was the first player (I’m aware of) to address these concerns head-on and openly. Therefore I support Google as a model of good practice in a world of far more nefarious players. But I also realize we must watch them carefully.

Google certainly is not Little Red Riding Hood. But I don’t see them as ‘the wolf’ either. They do at least maintain some humanity in potentially damaging processes that machines are all too often allowed to run without human oversight.

It’s up to each and every individual citizen to stay informed. And we must also undertake to enlighten our friends and family to today’s common practices and the potential dangers of ‘blind faith’ in the system. Not to scare anyone, but to open their eyes to the reality of life in cyberspace.

Thanks again for the clear and concise report.


By: Anon Mon, 11 Jan 2010 17:25:56 +0000 use Scroogle Scraper, go to It doesn’t track you.

By: Bob Gilley Mon, 11 Jan 2010 13:43:50 +0000 “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”

Welcome to the “Brave New World” in which freedom and choice have become quaint relecs of past democratic idealist. Big brother has been watching for decades.

By: sars rocks Sat, 09 Jan 2010 23:51:03 +0000 Google’s split personality is showing:

Google of old had a persona of “do no harm” the new persona is now one of “I want control”


Google now seems to be using its following to collect cell phone numbers.

Recently I needed to access my Google maps and found that I needed a gmail account. When I tried to get one I found that I had to give them a cell phone number for texting me the access.

Well, I don’t have a cell phone with texting capibilities and wouldn’t give the number to anyone if I did. The suggested work around of using a friends phone was even worse. I wouldn’t give even my best friend (and Google isn’t one) access to my personal information.

I couldn’t even give any feedback to Goggle because the only way to contact them seems to be via a Google group and you guessed it, you need a gmail account to participate.

I may be suffering from paranoia but why, other than for some yet to be defined commercial exploitation, would Google want my personal information.

I guess Google is taking the attitude that there is no more free lunch (as is their right to) with out giving them a marketing channel direct to your phone.

I will not be using Google for any services unless I can get my investment in My Maps back.

Sorry Google: You can’t have my “EVERYTHING”

By: Bob Hazard Sat, 09 Jan 2010 21:09:46 +0000 I for one welcome our new google overlords.

I read what you say, and it all makes sense – it is not some conspiracy theory, but for some reason I feel comfortable with google whereas I have serious worries over microsoft and facebook.

Whether it is their support for open source, open web standards or just the fact that they are pretty upfront about their model of being an advertising company that gives everything else away, for some irrational reason I gave my digital life over to them.

Fear of the HD ticking in the background drove me away from Windows to Linux many years ago; what is it doing? Is it phoning home or just a virus? I should feel the same about google but I don’t

I guess it is because I know google doesn’t care about me just about trends on a large scale, where MS is looking for DRM licences on my disk etc

By: Albin Sat, 09 Jan 2010 15:40:32 +0000 The article leaves out (or I missed it) reference to Google’s new privacy dashboard, which permits disabling a lot of the data collection. Use Google to find it. Personally, I find some Google services irresistible, so I silo their use in the very fast Chrome browser, while using FireFox with security extensions as default browser for other services in personal email, banking, etc. In that way Google gets to know only what I use Google’s own services for, as it would anyway.

By: Giri Alam Sat, 09 Jan 2010 13:26:40 +0000 i have to disagree with all of your points.

1-7 You give your information to Google in exchange for free services like web search and email. and every search engine does the same things.

Chrome OS is only available for specific netbook. read

and buying a pc with windows7 bundled might not be a wise choice. please consider viruses and malwares.

Google Docs is a pioneer for cloud computing, even microsoft office 2010 will have this feature. read
