Comments on: Got an iPhone? Now you can use it with Pingdom! Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Fri, 06 Feb 2009 13:12:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pingdom Fri, 06 Feb 2009 13:12:23 +0000 In reply to Stefan Seiz.

@Stefan: Good point. We are the first to admit that we haven’t been sending out Pingdom newsletters as often as we should have, but we are about to mend our ways and resume that shortly. Expect useful info. πŸ™‚

By: Stefan Seiz Fri, 06 Feb 2009 12:13:27 +0000 Hey! Very nice. Downloading as we speak. Why do i have to hear the news on Twitter far too late πŸ˜‰ Such good news need to be communicated to clients via an email newsletter or an alert on the account pages.
Thanks a lot!

By: Pingdom Wed, 14 Jan 2009 22:38:05 +0000 @Alex: Thank you for the feedback, though we’re sorry to hear that you were disappointed. On a positive note, the things you mentioned are things that are set to be fixed. (Wait indicator and email entry keyboard.)
We will keep improving the application and adding more features, so suggestions and comments are always welcome! Our ears are definitely open. πŸ™‚

By: Alex Brooks Wed, 14 Jan 2009 18:01:04 +0000 Had me all excited there guys but now I’m just disappointed. But it appears that your ears are open so I will offer my advice.
Firstly, the email entry box brings up the URL input keyboard, there is one in the API for email entry which has the @ symbol on the first display.
When I finally clicked sign in I received no prompt that it was signing me in, maybe a spinning wheel to indicate that the app has heard my request.
Finally this app doesn’t actually do a lot, I already know when my sites are up or down because I have SMS alerts. It would be really smart if I could pull up graphs and further stats like I can on the website.
Just my 2Β’ πŸ™‚

By: Pingdom Wed, 14 Jan 2009 15:33:15 +0000 @Eiwe: Thank you for pointing that out. We will have to fix that.
@Jon: Thank you kindly, sir! πŸ™‚ Glad to hear that you’re happy with the service.

By: Eiwe Lingefors Wed, 14 Jan 2009 15:23:21 +0000 The input keyboard on the login screen of the iPhone app lacks the ! (exclamation) key. This makes it impossible for me to log in since my password contains an exclamation. Please remedy. Thank you kindly.

By: Jon T Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:01:57 +0000 You guys rock. I have used Pingdom for a while now, and I’ve never been disappointed with the service. It’s great to see it evolving so rapidly as well.

By: Pingdom Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:58:43 +0000 Thanks for the comments so far!
@Piers: Not in the immediate future, though it’s quite possible down the line.
@Ivan: Thanks! Regarding the icon, yeah, it could be better. We’ll most likely do something about that in a future version of the app. Thanks for the feedback.
@Roger: We had a prelim version out about a week before we released this one. Could it be that you’re running that one? (It had a couple of crash issues.) Have you gone to the App Store and downloaded/updated to the latest version of the Pingdom app?

By: Roger Γ…ber Wed, 14 Jan 2009 12:51:35 +0000 Crashes for me πŸ™

By: Ivan Brezak Brkan Wed, 14 Jan 2009 10:17:03 +0000 Awesome app, trying it out right now. You guys should and can make a better application icon though. πŸ™‚
