Comments on: Put Pingdom’s public status pages under your own custom domain Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Sat, 28 Dec 2019 18:53:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Papick Garcia Taboada Sat, 28 Dec 2019 18:53:24 +0000 No https support for custom domains or did I miss something? I would be very easy to setup and use letsencrypt certificates for custom domains.

It would be awesome if we could add a twitter timeline in the status page. We use it as status page.

By: Seb Tue, 05 Jun 2018 07:56:58 +0000 In reply to Simon Rumble.

Agreed! I suppose you could put it in a frame and reload the frame – doesn’t help when your server (that holds the frame) goes down of course!

By: Seb Tue, 05 Jun 2018 07:55:31 +0000 In reply to pingdom.

Your to-do list must be similar to mine. Seven years later and no movement on the text field yet 😀

On another note, if I have an HSTS domain with a wildcard certificate, can I still use a custom domain? I.e. can point to the stats page? Or will it only work with http? I’ve set it all up and it doesn’t seem to be working, but maybe I just need to be more patient!

By: Simon Rumble Sun, 29 Mar 2015 22:50:40 +0000 There’s one thing missing: a meta refresh header so I can stick it up on a screen in the office and it’ll show the latest statuses, without me having to log in.

By: pingdom Mon, 18 Apr 2011 15:24:35 +0000 In reply to liciece.

@liciece: We’ll expand our monitoring network into those areas, but not not quite yet. It’s definitely coming, though.

By: liciece Mon, 18 Apr 2011 15:13:48 +0000 I like the new stat,it’s really a cool design and useful.
By the way,I find that currently most servers are in America and EU,will you plan to set up servers in Asia(HK,Singapore etc) as Internet is boosting there too?

By: pingdom Mon, 18 Apr 2011 12:00:58 +0000 In reply to Erik Geurts.

@Eric: Thanks for the feedback! Glad you like it. We will definitely add more features to the public reports / status pages, including much of what you mention.

By: Erik Geurts Thu, 14 Apr 2011 08:43:58 +0000 Hi all at Pingdom,

I just setup a status page on a sub domain, and it is very cool!

Like some of the others, I would love it if I could customize things some more, like the main page title, which now reads “Pingdom Public Reports Overview”. It would also be great if I could put a link on the pages, for example to direct people to a Twitter account where I could publish updates in case of an incident.

But let me stress that I greatly enjoy this new feature!

Regards, Erik

By: Christina Sat, 09 Apr 2011 15:32:53 +0000 Excellent new feature!!

By: pingdom Tue, 05 Apr 2011 07:21:20 +0000 Thanks for the kind words, guys.

The ability for you to be able to add some form of notes/comments to your public reports is definitely something we’ve been thinking about and would like to implement once we’ve gone through some other things. We currently don’t have an ETA for when we’ll add it, though.

The other suggestions here are also good, and we do have a big internal list of upcoming features that we think you’ll really like.
