Comments on: New grouping of monitoring servers Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Mon, 13 Feb 2012 09:21:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eran Mon, 13 Feb 2012 09:21:48 +0000 What a poor decision.
This basically limits the flexibility of choosing which agents to use per check and makes the pingdom service with its 40 agents equivalent of a service with only 10 agents, because in reality you can never get more than 10 agents associated with your check, you can’t even control which 10.
It is a serious degradation in service pretending to be an improvement. Users could have achieved the same result previously by selecting which agents to activate for each check, now that freedom of choice has been taken away.

By: Jason J. W. Williams Tue, 07 Feb 2012 23:35:13 +0000 Will each server only be monitored by the same group forever? Or will there be rotations between monitoring groups? For the US test sites this isn’t such a big deal, as any single US geographic location is cross-connected pretty well in the same region. However, in Europe the variations between accessibility of two locations in the same country are pretty varied. Just because a German and Dutch monitoring site can reach us doesn’t mean your French site can. It’s pretty important to us that within Europe and Asia, at least one monitoring site in each country hits our servers.

By: pingdom Tue, 10 Jan 2012 08:42:46 +0000 In reply to Jack.

Jack, thank you for commenting, and sorry about the late reply. At least for now, contacting support is the way to go if you need a specific probe server group/location. If it turns out this is a common request we may make some changes to that, though.

By: Jack Sat, 31 Dec 2011 18:22:43 +0000 Love it.

One question though. Is there going to be a way to select our own probe server locations without the need to send in a support ticket?
