Comments on: The 10 most Mac-friendly countries on the planet Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Sat, 18 Jun 2016 12:25:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: André Sat, 18 Jun 2016 12:25:17 +0000 In reply to Andre.

I have the exact same experience with my Mac computers 🙂 My MacBook Pro ultimo 2007 works totally fine today in 2016, and also does my MacBook Pro medio 2009 🙂

By: André Sat, 18 Jun 2016 12:23:25 +0000 It makes sense both quality wise and price wise, to buy a Mac computer. first of all because they last so much longer than a regular Windows computer from e.g. Acer,Hp, Dell, Asus etc. All my friends who use Windows computers have had to buy a new pc almost every 2nd or 3rd year, because their previous broke or got to hot, the fan was ruined and so forth. I am on my Macbook Pro medio 2009 which has lasted totally fine and no performance issues – it is 7 years old now! I must mention I have changed the battery and the hard drive for a SSD, but that’s the only thing I have changed, I am just saying Mac computers rule and their quality can’t be beaten by any other high-tech company – in my opinion 🙂

By: Greg Sun, 03 Apr 2011 03:55:47 +0000 blogprince, the rating list is for percentage of users not how many users. So the statement “The country is so small yet it still rank 10th” is incorrect. If anything, small population size has the potential to cause even bigger (and smaller) per capita percentages due to the smaller sample sizes. It would be much harder for the US to increase its market share by 1% than it would be for Singapore to do the same.

By: Pol Tue, 22 Mar 2011 15:38:48 +0000 @Michael Kaye Stats are always made like that!! for example xxx Macs on 100.000 inhabitants…if you would do stats like you want them, they wouldnt be realistic…

By: Andre Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:46:03 +0000 I just love apple. If their prizes were lower, more people would have bought it. Most people think about iphone, ipod, ipad when they hear about apple, but most of all they make incredible computers and OS.

Actually mac isn’t that expensive, cause it last longer. I have many macs, and one is twenty years old and still working, one is 12 years old and still working.. Had no problems with any mac. Friends with pc often have problems and must buy new one twice as often as me. Mac=Quality!

By: blogprince Sun, 20 Mar 2011 17:50:12 +0000 Well it’s no surprise that Singapore is listed. Come to this country and see almost everyone staring into an Iphone at every turn! It’s scary and overrated somehow. The country is so small yet it still rank 10th. I was already with Mac during the days it was being scrutinized & climbing the market here. Now, talk about affordability & publicities, everyone’s rushing for a Mac OS or at least an Ipod. Pfft….converts.

By: Peter Fri, 18 Mar 2011 09:26:14 +0000 What position would Belgium be then ? And with which percentage ?
Thx !

By: Michael Kaye Fri, 18 Mar 2011 00:24:51 +0000 Pretty misleading stats. Switzerland has a tiny (and rich) population. What about showing the actual numbers as opposed to a percentage?

For example if Switzerland has a million PCs this means there are 176,100 macs.

If the UK has a 10 Million PCs, and has a market share of just 1%, it still has far more macs.

So go on give us the real numbers…

By: kirasaw Thu, 17 Mar 2011 02:31:51 +0000 I think if you would divide Europe into East and West would would get numbers that look like North and South America.

By: Pingdom Wed, 16 Mar 2011 20:09:48 +0000 In reply to Cam Jackson.

@Cam: Yep!
