Comments on: Great quotes from Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Linus Torvalds Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:34:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: AdamKeller Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:34:15 +0000 @All for one Yes you are exactly true, also, i want someone to tell me one thing apple created, actually made the hardware for and created

By: PinheadX Mon, 03 Nov 2008 00:23:27 +0000 I wish people would stop saying that Macs have no right click. Ever heard of the Mighty Mouse? Ever just hooked up a two button mouse to a Mac? How about a 5 button mouse?

It takes all of three or four clicks to enable it. Click preferences, mouse and keyboard, mouse, and select secondary button in the drop down. Four clicks. Three if the mouse tab is already selected.

Trust me, not only does it work, but it has worked for what… 8 years or so since OS X was released?

By: Raskolnikov Sun, 02 Nov 2008 01:28:47 +0000 Google-User, I agree that it’s odd when people compare Linus to Steve to Bill. Three guys in really dissimilar technical roles.

Why do people see the need to compare these guys constantly anyway? It seems like a bizarre form of idol worship to me. All three guys have done a really good job, and produced highly useful tech.

Bill’s company has made software that makes it easier to manage business IT.

Linus helps to develop a top notch kernel. My family has used only Ubuntu at home for a long time and we love it.

Steve. Well.. The only Apple product I’ve used is the ipod, but all the songs I bought were in a proprietary format, so when I switched to Ubuntu they didn’t work. The iPod battery went dead and Apple replaced it, but informed me that any further tech calls would cost me $50.00. It stopped working again so I just threw it in the trash. I’ll just take my chances without Apple products from here on out. Doubt I’m really missing much. 🙂 Fortunately Apple has poor product penetration in the business, so hopefully I never have to use their products there.

By: All for one Tue, 05 Aug 2008 20:41:46 +0000 Heh, all you fools sit and idolize jobs. He is not a visionary, he is all about marketing. Apple products are crap, but they look great and have one or two good features that make optimal selling points.

Apple is the airhead cheerleader clique of the high school that is the tech industry. They are easily the best arm candy and they always make sure they are the center of attention, which they admittedly excel at.

After you spend top dollar for their time you then realize that when it comes time to do actual work, they’re really quite allergic to it.

By: Ping Tue, 05 Aug 2008 07:58:06 +0000 MSDOS is not limited to 640K.

MS-DOS was originally a subtly different product to PC-DOS. PC-DOS was for IBM Clones, and generally had a 640-K limit, primarily due to some hardware design decisions made by IBM (large amounts of address space reserved for memory mapped graphics).

Initially, before “PC Compatible” became the watchword, there were numerous other vendors offering systems with MS-DOS, that were NOT “PC Compatible” (and therefore did not suffer from some of the IBM hardware decisions). I used one of these for several years, and it could deliver around 990K of conventional memory.

By: google-user Thu, 31 Jul 2008 17:12:19 +0000 Bill Gates was right about spam! We moved our corporate email to google apps, and it’s all but disappeared!

It’s clear though that only Steve Jobs had the vision of how technology should be. Torvalds is a kernel hacker which is a tiny part of an OS. And if he had some vision, he’d have made a fixed ABI (or maybe 3 versions total) for drivers, Linux also suffers badly from lib version hell. If you ever upgrade your packages, even with stable packages, it’s a roller coaster ride of “will it work, will it break…??”, even after all this time. I think another kernel will push out Linux, or a forked one with a fixed ABI for drivers.

Linus’s problem is he doesn’t think strategically because he’s always just looking at the code, Bill Gates doesn’t think strategically because he’s always just looking at the money (but Steve Balmer seems to have decided he’s an architect of the future, but doesn’t seem to be doing a great job right now). It was only Steve Jobs that actually had an idea where he was going with the technology.

Actually everyone needs some humour in their life, and Apple under Jobs has been great in this regard. When he showed the Microsoft media centre controllers with zillions of buttons, and then brought out the simple and excellent front row remote, it was so funny.

The Mac vs PC ads seem to get some folks backs up, but this just highlights mad fanboy-ism.
What I find incredible is the level of copying that Vista attempted on OSX, with the Aqua theme, the sidebar, the search.

Anyway, I went down the Vista route, and for me it was hopeless, so I’m going down the Mac route again. I’m still running Linux, but lib version hell makes it a chore for even someone with admin abilities sometimes (I use both Debian and Ubuntu, and neither is problem free).

What torvalds fails to grasp about OpenBios is that they aren’t into pointlessly changing things that are tested and working. He likes to keep writing code and changing things, but for real people, this just makes things break all the time. You *could* tread lightly and be more choosy over features you add, but it would help to have a plan/vision in the first place. (one especially that is consistent with regular people’s desires).

By: ethana2 Tue, 29 Jul 2008 21:08:50 +0000 So we have gates on record saying something explicitly evil..
….and then he says patents are /good/ for software.

It’s hard to call someone a complete and total idiot when they have that much money. *sigh*

By: Prootwadl Tue, 29 Jul 2008 18:45:36 +0000 John said regarding Bill Gates:

“However, I must admit that he was a very good programmer.”

What lead you to this (questionable) conclusion?

Microsoft has had some very good programmers over the years — Paul Allen and Gordon Letwin leap to my mind immediately — but Bill was more of a manager and businessguy than a programmer.

By: Stan Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:24:56 +0000 All the 3 men are very flexible with words (or changing their minds) just that the first 2 don’t seem to be openly saying it.

By: Yazi Tue, 29 Jul 2008 02:38:28 +0000 Typical for Gates… I can’t think of anyone else that (undeservedly) proud of sub-mediocre quality in their products.

It’s evident, looking at every version of IE, that MS has never been interested in the Internet.
