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Alternative Christmas trees for geeks (pictures)

It’s a tradition that some say predates celebrating Christmas. Bringing a real miniature pine tree in to your home at this time of year and putting all kinds of shiny decorations on it, is something that happens in millions of homes around the world.

If you don’t already have a Christmas tree put up at your place it may be too late to arrange one for this year. However, we hope we can give you some ideas for the future.

We put together a wide selection of alternative trees, ranging from one built from a small circuit board, to a huge one made out of Lego.

Although we have tackled Christmas trees and decorations in the past, this time we’re all about the trees.


Whether you choose the 3 ft tabletop model or the 6 ft suspended model (yes, it hangs from the ceiling or something else) you’re sure to impress with a Possibilitree. The bigger tree has 10 rows of branches ready for you to put decorations on.

Photo by Possibilitree.

Cardboard Christmas Tree

Each Cardboard Christmas Tree (including packaging) is made out of recycled corrugated cardboard and can, of course, be completely recycled again once you’re done with it.

Photo by The Cardboard Christmas Tree.


One of the more unusual “trees” in our collection, the Tannenboing is made out of recycled aluminum. It’s flexible enough to be able to hang from the ceiling or stand on the floor. For next season, just pack it up or recycle it.

Photo by Tannenboing.

Motherboard Christmas tree

It reaches only about 10 cm tall but if all your computers and other gear take up so much of your space it might be a good idea to get a small Christmas tree. The Motherboard Christmas Tree will light up your room with 16 blinking LEDs.

Photo by Velleman.

Lego Christmas tree

You may not want to build it as big as Bright Bricks did in the UK, but drag out that sack of Lego pieces you have stashed away since childhood and start building.

Photo by Bright Bricks.

Whatever-is-lying-around Christmas tree

This tree was made from modular wire bookshelves (can be found cheaply at IKEA if you don’t have some already) held together by wire and stuffed with all kinds of things from around the house. This is truly a DIY tree if ever there was one.

Photo by Jovino.

Intel Christmas tree

Apparently this tree has 2,000 processors from Intel on it. You probably don’t have that many available to you – or perhaps you do – but start collecting and in a few years you can duplicate this feat.

Photo by Shinyai.

Dalek Christmas tree

We did save the best for last. Since Doctor Who fever never seems to subside, what geek wouldn’t want a Dalek Christmas tree in their living room? Be prepared for it to exclaim “exterminate” and chase you around your house.


Show us your tree

If you want to avoid a real Christmas tree and the bugs and dried up pine needles it inevitably brings in to your home, we hope you got some good ideas from our selection.

Now, show us your tree, we’d love to see what you’ve come up with.

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