Comments on: Has the time come for web designers to embrace the SVG image format? Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Mon, 13 May 2013 11:32:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: lovish Mon, 13 May 2013 11:32:09 +0000 this is nice post you tried very hard to write this article.

By: Shahroz Tue, 05 Mar 2013 13:52:04 +0000 I’ve found my answer here

By: philwareham Tue, 15 May 2012 17:46:17 +0000 I’ve done some extensive work on implementing SVG sprites and it has been a bit of a fail in that respect. SVG is great for single stand-alone graphics but start trying to use background positioning like you would expect from, say, a PNG sprite (but via em measurements) and you’ll quickly notice images getting antialiased all wrong in some browsers – even between different webkit-based browsers (mobile and desktop). It may be due to rounding errors in browsers and the way they rasterise the SVG before displaying it.
Also, until such things as being able to target IDs within SVG files served as CSS backgrounds are supported in more browsers, we can effectively forget about SVG stacks too as they would be perfect for serving icon sprites:
At the moment I’ve fallen back to using a SVG webfont for serving icons, which is OK but not as good as a pure SVG solution.

By: Pingdom Tue, 15 May 2012 15:17:42 +0000 In reply to Durant Imboden.

 @Durant Imboden As stated, SVG is far from ideal for photos, but works well for a lot of other image types. Regarding photos, perhaps it’s time for W3C to blow the dust off the good old JPEG 2000 format, which should be pretty useful for scalable photos… Current browser support for that is poor, though.

By: Durant Imboden Tue, 15 May 2012 15:08:18 +0000 OK, I”ll admit that I’m no expert on SVG, but after reading the cited articles, I’d suggest that you’re raising false hopes when you write: “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a website where all graphics automatically matches the screen resolution perfectly”
The real challenge is how to serve photos of reasonable filesizes that look good on both normal and Retina-type displays. Unless I’m badly mistaken, SVG isn’t the solution to that problem.
