Comments on: IRC is dead, long live IRC Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Fri, 24 Apr 2015 21:53:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Silver Fang Fri, 24 Apr 2015 21:53:48 +0000 I just tried to connect to your IRC server. Is it still online?

By: 2achWil2 Wed, 07 May 2014 07:21:23 +0000 It’s 2014.. I still use IRC to chat with close friends..

By: prez Tue, 04 Feb 2014 05:46:00 +0000 I’m leaning towards the direction both Oikarinen & Lederer are going here. IRC has certainly lost a lot of its’ “charm” and user-base in this day-in-age. Where “social media” has forced simple text to take a back seat.

But, it’s not completely dead. Niche markets (such as FreeNode & QuakeNET) are not entirely gone. They still have a user base in tact. 

KvIRC adding user-to-user video chat is highly innovative. Things like this could help to revive some of the former IRC community. Although, it’s slightly late. A lot have already moved on for so long, they’re never to return. 

I, personally, began IRC at age 11. I’m now 26 year of age. I still use IRC from time to time. (Perhaps two hours per month, as of the last year) But, I no longer use FB either. So, I don’t attribute this to social media.

i just don’t see IRC ever making a REAL comeback. But, if people are innovative and continue to develop IRC, and work on those niche markets… it may not continue a decline atleast.

— prez (Former DALnet Operator. Former Rizon Server Administrator.)

By: IRCpad Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:10:05 +0000 Maybe IRC is not dead but it just changes a little to a something else.
See 😉

By: boxOFpandora Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:31:06 +0000 hi this age.. we are still alive.. on average daily 150-200 users every hour.
please visit us:   http://WWW.BDCHAT.COM
if you are a fan of MIRC/Color Script then download our Script from
Best regards.

By: JeremyMauric Wed, 26 Jun 2013 07:19:37 +0000 IRC is dead in some ways, other ways not.  Back in the day, IRC was THE place to go if you wanted to chat with people.  Pretty much everyone knew IRC was the standard.  Then came a long Instant Messaging (ICQ, AOL, Yahoo)  By then Broadband started to become more common which opened up the world to streaming audio and video chat, which caused a mini boom. Then came a long blogs, which lead to the creation of Myspace and Facebook. Of course, which offered instant messages.   Let’s not forget one other big thing that took life away from IRC, cell phones.  Phones have replaced pretty much everything these days, even computers to a degree. So, it’s only normal that things we once enjoyed are not being used as much as before. Ten years from  now, I am sure we’ll be using something totally different than what we use now.  Getting back to IRC, in ways it is still being used, but in underlying cores of what is popular.  Most people wouldn’t know that they are connecting to an IRC server, when in fact they are when they use various websites that offer live chat.  To wrap this up, Big IRC networks are fading away and will continue to do so, but IRC is still valuable for real time, text chat.  Once again, it’s only natural that manual input driven text chatting is falling by the way side and direct voice communications and voice to text is becoming more main stream.

By: djs408 Sat, 09 Mar 2013 07:05:25 +0000 I use to love and used IRC all the time.  After the early or mid 2000’s I kinda grew out of it, or grew up and stopped using it.  I like the concept, would love to get back into it but no one knows of or even heard of iRC.  
Its dying because there are no advertisements and no one is promoting it.  It can be reinvented if done right.

By: djs408 Sat, 09 Mar 2013 07:04:09 +0000 I use to love and use IRC all the time.  After the early or mid 2000’s I kinda grew out of it, or grew up and stopped using it.  I like the concept, would love to get back into it but no one knows of about iRC.  
Its dying because there are no advertisements or any promoting.  I can be reinvented if done right.

By: tristhan1 Mon, 25 Feb 2013 00:47:27 +0000 IRC is great. It is essential in the Arab Spring Revolution. So, I hope it will always be there.

By: Kyrias Sun, 24 Feb 2013 23:43:06 +0000 In reply to AnthonyCathers.

@AnthonyCathers Meh, “thrive”. Most of us don’t really care about more people using IRC, most active channels are full enough as it is.
