Comments on: Linux is the world’s fastest growing desktop OS – up 64% in 9 months Website Performance and Availability Monitoring | Pingdom Wed, 09 Oct 2013 23:42:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: BrianBahbah Wed, 09 Oct 2013 23:42:55 +0000 TimothyDuane  What do you mean by “Real computers”  ??

By: stathi Mon, 30 Sep 2013 19:07:14 +0000 @tp0x45 
Well I think that part of the reason is how you quote the windows user as “normal” this then makes the Linux user “abnormal”.  This depiction; if applied to the public, causes a small percentage of use.  Who wants to be considered  abnormal.

By: tp0x45 Tue, 30 Apr 2013 19:45:18 +0000 It is strangely low. I am still not sure how is this metric accomplished. I am surrounded with computers, all of which run Linux. Seven at home (4 laptops, 2 desktops, and one XBMC media center). It is predominantly Linux Mint 14 and Ubuntu 12.04. In my office, we run Ubuntu 12.04 laptop and servers. 
Pretty much any software can be find, and if you really really need something bad from the Windows world there is Wine, PlayonLinux, CrossOver. LibreOffice, Firefox, Chrome, Dia, Gimp, Thunderbird, FileZilla pretty much cover most of the needs of any “normal” user. Even the gaming is picking up dramatically.

By: ChrisCarreiro Tue, 29 Jan 2013 00:12:03 +0000 In reply to Ron.

Very true @ron; I Would say that there a lot less people using desktops / laptops because the ease of access smart phones. In the past I would pull up a PC to type up a letter or browse the because my smartphone wasn’t as user friendly. Back then would have to use a stylus and type in a 2×1 inch keyboard. Smartphones are progressively getting better and PC’s and laptops have a lot less use. I would maybe run some statistics combining all “Internet accessing devices” to give us a more accurate result of how much Linux is really being used I definitely agree that Linux is not getting the Light that it should. Are we even considering Virtual Operating systems? I’m sure the number would also jump up because the ability to run Virtual systems gives us freedom to get the best of both worlds. Just my 2 Cents…

By: TimothyDuane Thu, 12 Apr 2012 07:17:41 +0000 In reply to Ron.

sorry, but most adults use real computers.if only windows 7 ran as smooth as it does on my phone i would love it, but until then. 

By: Fredrik Näs Mon, 12 Mar 2012 12:40:19 +0000 To be honest, i could really see myself using for example ubunu as desktop solution, want a few more apps first though.

By: Emomilol Österlund Mon, 12 Mar 2012 12:40:18 +0000 I knew it! 2012 is the year linux will take over the desktop market! 🙂

By: Doreen S Sun, 04 Mar 2012 04:17:26 +0000 @Ken: Also using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Epson Artisan 50 printer, which was recognized immediately upon installation. Check this site for Linux-compatible printers:

By: cirrus Sun, 04 Mar 2012 01:21:55 +0000 @Ken needs to check out PCLinuxOS if he is having issues with his printer, this distro is renkowned for its hardware support and is uncompromising community #just sayin

By: Doreen S Sat, 03 Mar 2012 20:18:32 +0000 @Ken: Also using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with an Epson Artisan 50 printer, which was immediately recognized. Try for a list of printers by manufacturer to find which ones work well with Linux.
