Our server infrastructure has a lot of work to do, it’s quite a busy bee. When you monitor the uptime and response time of as many websites and servers on the Internet as we do, and do it on a continuous basis, the numbers quickly add up. Just for fun, we thought we’d share some of these numbers with you.
First a couple of year-to-date numbers for the Pingdom monitoring network:
- Tests performed so far this year: 37 billion
- Alerts sent out so far this year (all alerts to all contacts): 31 million
The alert number is the sum of all alerts via email, SMS, Twitter, iPhone push notifications, etc.
And what about right now? Here is a snapshot of our current hourly workload:
- Tests performed per hour: 6.5 million
- Average # of alerts sent out per hour (all alerts to all contacts): 6,100
We process and save every individual test result for you, with redundant data storage to keep it safe. And of course, there’s plenty of other monitoring-related data to handle on top of that. It all adds up:
- Storage used for historical monitoring data: 23 terabyte
All of these numbers are growing rapidly. New people (and companies) keep joining Pingdom to monitor their sites, and many of our existing users decide to monitor more of their services.
Finally, a small note on our monitoring network: We currently monitor from more than 30 locations, a number that will go up significantly over time as our network expands geographically. Pingdom users can always see an up-to-date list of monitoring locations and servers under “active probe servers” in our control panel.
We hope you found these numbers interesting. We’re admittedly not operating on the scale of Facebook or Google, but these days, who does? We’ll get there eventually… 😉